Press Release: Wfac at the African Climate Summit


Women for a Change (Wfac) is participating at the Africa Climate Summit (ACS) hosted by the government of Kenya in Nairobi from the 4th – 6th of September 2023.


With the whole continent and the world now focused on Africa ahead of COP28, we must now collectively decide and commit to a greener future for our continent and draw from the conclusions of last year’s summit, as we take another step forward towards advancing climate justice”- says Dr. Zoneziwoh, Wfac ED.


The African Climate Summit is a yearly convening which provides the continent the opportunity to mobilize and galvanize efforts and commitments from stakeholders interested in advancing climate justice and actions; and most importantly sustainable solutions. 2023 is therefore that moment that calls for collective and universal actions against climate change as part of the conversation and recommendations leading up to the global annual UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP) Climate Conference, which this year shall be taking place in Dubai, UAE, from November 30 – December 12, 2023. 


With the year’s African Climate Summit themed: “Driving Green Growth and Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World”,  Wfac in her continuous efforts and commitments to climate justice is represented by a delegation of three; The Executive Director, Dr. Zoneziwoh. Mbondgulo-Wondieh, Mr. Emmanuel Ndabombi, Volunteers Manager and Dr. Beng Primus, Conflict Resolution Expert.


The delegates shall participate in different sessions and meetings organized at the summit. They shall also be speaking at some of these events, notably on September 3, Africa Gender Day. However, prior to the ACS,  Wfac over the  past weeks went to the streets asking ordinary women, girls and young people affected by climate change, their one recommendation for this year’s regional climate week.

At the ACW, besides attending the different thematic sessions, Wfac will also be echoing the voices and concerns of these grassroots women and girls, adolescents, and young people in the year’s regional summit. Wfac is also a co-organiser of the first Africa Gender Day in the history of the Africa Climate Week. The event which will run for the whole day has as theme: “ Claiming our Narratives: African Women’s Leadership in the Context of Climate Change”. 


Stay up to date with us at the ACS and follow up with the conversation in real-time through our social media handles at: or on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram: @Wfaccmr