Bringing the Generation Equality Agenda and CSW67 to Sao Tome E Principe

GenEgaliteECCAS Members and WHRD in STP

Between January 13 – 22, a delegation from the GenEgaliteECCAS met in Soa Tome as part of the cross border feminist solidarity visits meeting to discuss with the Women’s leaders and girls on making commitments to the Generation Equality processes as well as meaningfully engaging in the upcoming CSW67 agenda. This visit was marked with meetings with top government officials such as the Minister of Women’s Rights, as well as the Female Members of Parliament and over 20 Women’s rights leaders and adolescents. The visit to Soa Tome e Principe was a co-creation between Women for a Change, Solidarity Health Foundation, and SOS Muhler). 

GenEgaliteECCAS Members with adolescent girls at Escola Portuguesa, Sao Tome e Principe

The visit aimed to reach out to the grassroots population, especially women and girls, ahead of the 67th edition of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) and to foster the agenda of the Generation Equality Forum. Overall, the visit to São Tomé and Principe was a great opportunity for GenEgaliteECCAS to foster its agenda of gender equality. The passion and eagerness displayed by the local community, particularly the young girls and women, were inspiring. They demonstrated a willingness to work towards bringing change and uplifting the status of women and girls in the region. The meetings with the Minister of Women’s rights, the female Members of Parliament, and women’s rights organisations provided a holistic view of the day-to-day experiences of women and girls in the region. The experience also revealed some of the key challenges faced by women in the region, including child marriages, gender-based violence, and other injustices. Despite these challenges, the women’s leaders and organisations were determined to work towards bringing positive change.

Additionally, the mission was able to introduce the Generation Equality Forum, CSW67, and the GenEgaliteECCAS platform to the local community. The success in raising awareness about these initiatives has paved the way for the first-ever participation of São Tomé and Principe in the CSW. This demonstrates the impact that the visit had on the local community and their understanding of gender equality.

Going forward, the goal is to continue building on the progress made during the visit. This includes writing and sharing the experience with other women, working towards involving more women in the initiative, and following up with the São Tomé women to ensure their continued engagement. Additionally, there is a plan to lobby and advocate for funding and grants for the work of São Tomé women toward addressing gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health rights violations. We are also available to provide capacity-building support to these local organisations and local government officials.